* * * sinclairql.net, THE REPOSITORY of the Sinclair QL Preservation Project (SQPP) * * *

Home | QL what? | Chronology (1981 until today) | 30th & 40th anniversaries 2014 & 2024 | Linus Torvalds QL contributions | "QL & Mac are 25" - the show 2009 | 25th anniversary 2009 | 18th anniversary 2002 (QL/E launch) | Machine build standards | Preservation Project (SQPP) | Picture Gallery (SQPG) | QL versus JAGUAR | QLvsJAGUAR Video Channel on YouTube | Blog (QLvsJAGUAR Community Tab) | About Urs König

Most recent major repository additions or updates:
QL/E - THE QL ENVIRONMENT! (release 2023-12-29, version 3.23)
direct downloadDirect download of lastest QL/E package v3.23!
direct downloadDirect download of lastest QL/E QLE.WIN file only v3.23!

QL IS 30 2014 - THE DISTRIBUTION, RELOADED edition! (Released 2021-02-21, version 3.06, comes with QL/E v3.20)

Unique original firmware & ROM software ( addition 2024-02-29) and papers from the Sinclair Archives (Put online in June 2018)

Sinclair logo QL logo

This website is THE REPOSITORY to host the files of the SINCLAIR QL Preservation Project (SQPP). This project has been launched as part of the "QL is 25" activities way back in 2009. Over the last few years many long lost items have been resurrected and several thousand files, may it be QL software, documentation or pictures became available (again). Many places on the internet (various Websites, YouTube videos and video descriptions, various Forum discussions, Mailing-list posts, Google+ posts and last but not least QL is 30 activities of 2014) point to this site for Sinclair QL software download or accessing other QL related stuff. Selected files are available for direct download by the links in the table below.

This Sinclair QL internet site offers a whole lot for you to explore, download and try out.

First there are those unique original documents dated 1982 to 1986 from the QL's inventor company Sinclair Research Ltd. Internal stuff like employee directory or preliminary documentation of the operating system, the launch press conference marketing material, brochures, magazine adverts, advertisement features, software developer's guide, user guide, service manual, you name it.

Second there are in-depth interviews with original development team members and articles from this millennium reflecting the QL's history.

Then there's THE DISTRIBUTION, a huge repository of QL related programs, documentation and images. Last updated in 2021 (RELOADED edition!), altogether there are about 4 GB of documents, software and pictures in the latest version of this massive collection called QL IS 30 2014 - THE DISTRIBUTION. Here's a short summary of what it offers:
  • QL/E - THE QL ENVIRONMENT!, a pre-configured and ready to go portable QL runtime environment (applications, demos, desktops, games, tools, utilities) using the latest versions of the virtual QL machines (aka emulators) QPC2 and SMSQmulator and the operating system SMSQ/E.
    QL/E v3.23, Edition 2023, Codename "Midnight Sun", BOOTed under QPC2 v4.05
    QL/E v3.22, Edition 2022, Codename "Paradise", BOOTed under Q60 Q-emuLator v2.5
    QL/E v3.21, Edition 2021, Codename "Circle of Life", BOOTed under QPC2 v5.02, running THE REAL MATRIX
    QL/E v3.20, Edition 2020, Codename "Take a breath", BOOTed under QPC2 v4.05
    QL/E v3.19, Edition 1904, Codename "On the move", BOOTed under QPC2 v4.05
    QL/E v3.17, Edition 1710, Codename "Liberated", BOOTed under QPC2 v4.05
    QL/E v3.16, Edition 1702, Codename "Snow white swan", BOOTed under SMSQmulator v2.23 (Java 8)
    QL/E v3.15, Edition 1611, Codename "Grey heron", BOOTed under SMSQmulator v2.20 (Java 8)
    QL/E v3.13, Edition 1604, BOOTed under SMSQmulator v2.18 (Java 8)
    QL/E v3.13, Edition 1604, BOOTed under QPC2 v4.02
    QL/E v3.11, Edition 1511, Codename "Crow", BOOTed under QPC2 v4.02
    QL/E v3.10, Edition 1504, BOOTed under QPC2 v4.02
    jquery responsive slider
  • All 17 volumes of the QL Today magazines ever published (1996-2013, 123 issues) as scanned PDF files
  • Seven volumes of the QUANTA eMag (Volumes 22 to 28, 2005-2011, 43 issues) as PDF files
  • A playable version of the so called "megagame" Bandersnatch
  • GMOVE software blitter by Linus B Torvalds, the inventor of Linux
  • Prospero Pro Pascal & Pro Fortran-77 programming languages
  • QDT desktop by James "Jim" Hunkins
  • QTop user front end by Urs König
  • TRON Light Cycles game
  • Rotating Head & Elite demos
  • Original QL Demonstration software written by "bi Si" (Sinclair Research Ltd)
  • New (2014) QL industrial design by Rick Dickinson, industrial designer of the Sinclair computers
  • QL DOCUMENTATION collection v2.97, incorporating SBASIC/SuperBASIC Reference Manual
  • QL EMULATORS collection v1.47
  • QL ON A STICK environment v1.14
  • QL TOOLKITS collection v1.03
  • QL GAMES collection v1.03
  • QL INTERACTIVE FANTASY collection v1.01
  • QL ZEXCEL SPECTRUM EMULATOR collection v1.03
  • QL HISTORY collection, 30th anniversary edition
  • QL PICTURE GALLERY (SQPG) collection v3.30a. Gallery consists of 1979 pictures in 84 folders. (09.02.2014/28.11.2019)

    The QL's software Environment is not a type of Unix. It's not a flavour of Linux. It's certainly got nothing to do with Windows or MacOS! The QL software Environment is its own thing - a very specialised 68K-based single-user preemptive multitasking operating system with a procedural structured BASIC interpreter as shell. So if you've not used it before, you will find it doesn't behave quite the same way as anything else. The QL community think it's better! We hope you enjoy your experience with the QL software Environment.

    Name/Cover/Title Type By Description Documents Pictures Download
    Who's who at Sinclair company directory 1982
    Who's who at Sinclair company directory 1982
    Internal SRL 1982 directory of all employees of Sinclair Research Ltd. PDF
    Who's who at Sinclair company directory 1983
    Who's who at Sinclair company directory 1983
    Internal SRL 1983 directory of all employees of Sinclair Research Ltd. PDF
    Domesdos documentation 1983
    Domesdos documentation 1983
    SRL Domesdos was the working title of the operation system for the Sinclair ZX83 which eventually became QDOS for the Sinclair QL.

    In a CONFIDENTIONAL (at that time) document dated 26 October 1983 (hey, that's today 30 years ago), Tony Tebby wrote: "The changes from Version 0.05 are mostly in the internal organisation. These reflect the change in emphasis from a small machine to a 128Kbyte minimum configuration, a high probability that a 512Kbyte expansion will be available at launch, a hard disk will be available soon after, and the machine is a flagship of a new line."

    Decades later, back in 2009, Tebby wrote in a series of articles called "25 years" in the QL Today magazine (all issues included in THE DISTRIBUTION!): "ln a fit of hubris over this "design for reliability" approach, lhe new operating system was called Domesdos {a home {domestic) DOS, even though it was designed for business use and il was a ROM operating system and not a disk operating syslem) after the slogan for a brand of bleach "Domestos" which "kills 99% of all known germs (bugs)"."

    Even 30 years later no single operating system has proved to be bug free. Time to dig out Domes*os... ;-)
    Sinclair QL Launch Press Kit 1984
    Sinclair QL Launch Press Kit 1984-01-12
    Marketing SRL The glossy launch press kit which was handed out at the launch press conference on January 12th 1984. PDF
    Sinclair QL User Guide Launch Day Edition 1984-01-12
    Sinclair QL User Guide Launch Day Edition 1984-01-12
    Marketing SRL This edition of the User Guide was handed out at the launch press conference on January 12th 1984. PDF
    Sinclair QL Launch Brochure 1984
    Sinclair QL Launch Brochure 1984
    Marketing SRL The glossy brochure which was handed out at the launch and was added to many UK computer magazines in January and February 1984. PDF
    Sinclair QL First magazine advertisement 1984
    Sinclair QL First magazine advertisement 1984
    Marketing SRL The two pages landscape advertisement was placed in many UK computer magazines in February, March and April 1984. PDF JPG
    Sinclair QL EPROMs software version PM
    Sinclair QL ROM software version PM
    ROM software SRL The binary file in this ZIP archive is a 1:1 copy of the content of physical EPROMs which are in an original Sinclair QL Professional Computer with serial number D03-001123 (2 EPROMs QLPM 0000 and QLPM 4000) and an original Sinclair QL ROM port dongle (1 EPROM $8000). While the content of the ROM port dongle was preserved way back in 2010, the content of the two EPROMs in the QL was preserved on Sunday June 24th 2018 at the home of former Mechanical Affinity QL trader Paul Holmgren while I was on my once-in-a-lifetime US road trip. The QL and some other QL bits and pieces from Paul went on the journey and back home with me.

    The PM version of the QL ROM software contains QDOS version 1.02 and SuperBASIC version PM.

    Sinclair QL ROM software version PM preservation 2018-06-24, YouTube VIDEO, 1 minute
    Sinclair QL ROM software version PM preservation 2018-06-24, 1 minute, YouTube
    Sinclair_QL_firmware_version_PM-SQPP.zip, 33 KB
    Sinclair QL ROM software version PM, 33 KB
    ROM software SRL The binary files in this ZIP archive are all 1:1 copies of the content of physical EPROMs which came from a former employee of THORN (EMI) DATATECH Ltd. This company did production engineering and mass production for Sinclair Research Ltd. JPG THORN_EMI_DATATECH_EPROMs-SQPP.zip, 108 KB

    Sinclair QL IPC firmware version 1.2 NEC
    Sinclair QL IPC firmware version 1.2
    Firmware SRL The binary file "Sinclair_QL_IC24_8049_IPC1-2.ROM" in this ZIP archive is a 1:1 copy of the ROM code of an original 2nd edition Sinclair QL IPC (Intelligent Peripheral Controller) IC commissioned to NEC (Nippon Electric Company) by SRL (Sinclair Research Ltd.). The IC is lettered "NEC JAPAN 8503XD 511 IPC1-2(c)83SRL". The IPC firmware version is 1.2 ($07F0: DB 01, 02). This IC and some other QL bits and pieces were acquired from former Mechanical Affinity QL trader Paul Holmgren while I was on my once-in-a-lifetime US road trip in summer 2018. The ROM code was read in summer 2022 by Marcel Kilgus using his "Arduino Mega 2560 clone micro USB" and "MCS-48 (8748 / 8749 / 8741 / 8742 / 8048 / 8049 / 8050 / 8755) Programmer / Reader".

    Marcel even spent some valuable time disassembling, aligning and comparing the firmware with the original version 0.7 that most QLs came with. Apart from the version number, the only relevant change is the sequence in which the keyboard is debounced (for details, see the report "Sinclair_QL_IC24_8049_IPC_firmware_1-2_differences_to_0-7.pdf").

    Sinclair QL IPC 8049 firmware read out with MCS-48!, YouTube VIDEO, 9 seconds
    Sinclair QL IPC 8049 firmware read out with MCS-48!, 9 seconds, YouTube
    Sinclair_QL_firmware_version_PM-SQPP.zip, 2 KB
    Sinclair QL IPC firmware version 1.2, 2 KB
    Sinclair QL Software Developer's Guide 1984
    Sinclair QL Software Developer's Guide 1984
    Technical SRL Sinclair Research Ltd QL software developer’s guide by Tony Tebby and David Karlin edited by Michèle Wright. Published in 1984 as A4 pages, typesetting and re-published in 1985 as the QL Technical Guide in an A5 ring binder. PDF
    Sinclair QL Benutzer Handbuch 1985
    Sinclair QL Benutzer Handbuch 1985
    User Guide SRL Sinclair QL User Guide, 2nd edition, German edition 1985.
    Sinclair QL Benutzer Handbuch, 2. Ausgabe, deutschsprachige Ausgabe 1985.
    Sinclair QL NEWS No 1, Advertorial 1985
    Sinclair QL NEWS No 1 1985
    Marketing SRL Sinclair Research Ltd QL NEWS No 1 advertisement feature published in various computer magazines at around February/March 1985. PDF
    Sinclair QL NEWS No 2, Advertorial 1985
    Sinclair QL NEWS No 2 1985
    Marketing SRL Sinclair Research Ltd QL NEWS No 2 advertisement feature published in various computer magazines at around March/April 1985. PDF
    Sinclair QL Sales Guide1985
    Sinclair QL Sales Guide 1985
    Marketing SRL Sinclair QL Sales Guide. This was a sales support folder for Retail stores. PDF
    Sinclair QL Research on TV ad 1985
    Research on Sinclair QL TV ad 1985
    Marketing SRL SINCLAIR RESEARCH LTD QUALITATIVE RESEARCH FINDINGS ON POST-TEST OF QL TELEVISION ADVERTISING by Boase Massimi Pollitt. This comes from the Sinclair Archives. PDF Sinclair QL TV advertisement 1985, YouTube VIDEO, 23 seconds
    Sinclair QL TV advertisement 1985, 23 seconds, YouTube
    QL Marketing - Sinclair 1985
    Results of Sinclair QL TV ad 1985
    Marketing SRL Sinclair Research Ltd QL TELEVISION CAMPAIGN QUANTITATIVE RESULTS by Boase Massimi Pollitt. This comes from the Sinclair Archives. PDF Sinclair QL TV advertisement 1985, YouTube VIDEO, 23 seconds
    Sinclair QL TV advertisement 1985, 23 seconds, YouTube
    Sinclair QL Service Manual 1985
    Sinclair QL Service Manual 1985
    Technical SRL The Sinclair QL Service Manual was first released in January 1985(!), 1 year after the launch of the machine. This is the HTMLed edition of the last known version (Issue 3, October 1985) which covers build standards D06 to D16 and issue 5 and 6 PCBs.

    Although the original Engineering Specifications are lost, the original Service Manual holds most of the Engineering Specification.
    Webpage (HTML)
    The Rodney Papers - Sinclair Archives 1970 to 1985
    The Rodney Papers 1970 to 1985
    Marketing SRL 150 pages with unique original papers from the Sinclair Archives. Author Rodney Dale had those papers on a loan from Clive Sinclair when he wrote the book The Sinclair Story. PDF The Sinclair Story (including Rodney's Papers), YouTube VIDEO, 42 minutes
    The Sinclair Story (including Rodney's Papers), 42 minutes, YouTube
    Bill's Papers - Sinclair Archives 1980 to 1985
    Bill's Papers 1980 to 1985
    Marketing SRL More than 350 pages with unique original Press Releases and Bulletins from Bill Nichols, former Sinclair Research PR manager. He archived those papers in a folder labelled SRL Press Releases.

    Among others there this announcement of an agreement that could have changed the computing world: On 7 March 1984 Sinclair Research Ltd announces agreement with SAMSUNG Electronics to assemble and sell Sinclair computers in South Korea. It finally ended up in SAMSUNG manufacturing the ZX Spectrum, QL and ZX Spectrum+ models for domestic market and more importantly as a second and third source for international market, resulting in the QLs for North American and German market being exclusively made by SAMSUNG.

    The Sinclair Press Releases (Bill's Folder), YouTube VIDEO, 6 minutes
    The Sinclair Press Releases (Bill's Folder), 6 minutes, YouTube

    One more thing... Announcement of an agreement that could have changed the computing world, 2 minutes
    One more thing..., 2 minutes, YouTube
    David Karlin with QL Today magazine and QL/E CD-R in 2002
    Interview with the QL's Chief Design Engineer 2002/2013
    Article CEL Over the decades many QL stories have been written. One of the most recent and comprehensive ones is the Interview with David Karlin, the QL's Chief Design Engineer, first published in September 2013 in the Final Issue of the QL Today magazine (all issues included in THE DISTRIBUTION!). Webpage (HTML)
    Cover of a QL Today magazine
    QL Today magazine (1996 to 2013)
    Magazine JMS Read every single issue of the QL Today magazine - published 1996 to 2013 (17 volumes, 88 issues) by Jochen Merz Software - as scanned PDF files.

    Download THE DISTRIBUTION HERE to offline-read all issues as of the QL Today magazine!
    Webpage (HTML) with access to every English issue of the QL Today Magazine
    Titelblatt eines QL Today Magazines
    QL Today Magazin (1996 to 2002)
    Magazin JMS Lest jede einzelne Ausgabe der deutschsprachigen Ausgabe des QL Today Magazines - veröffentlicht 1996 bis 2002 (6 Jahrgänge, 35 Ausgaben) durch Jochen-Merz-Software - als gescannte PDF Dateien.

    Download THE DISTRIBUTION HIER um alle Ausgaben des QL Today Magazines offline zu lesen!
    Webseite (HTML) mit Zugriff auf jede Ausgabe des QL Today Magazins
    Sinclair QL Story 2013, Sonderdruck
    Die ausgefallene Revolution im Computermarkt - Artikel 2013
    Article RETURN For those who can read German there's a nicely illustrated (worth looking at for all) QL story by Jürgen Malberg, published by the RETURN magazine in winter 2013. PDF
    Sinclair QL Story 2013, Sonderdruck
    Der Quantensprung, der dann doch keiner war - Artikel 2014
    Article RETRO For those who can read German there's another QL story by Urs König, published by the RETRO magazine in spring 2014. PDF
    Picture of QL IS 30 2014 - THE DISTRIBUTION Version 3.00 (DVD edition) - Click to download THE DISTRIBUTION
    Distribution CEL Lucerne, Apr 29th 2015 – Urs König of COWO Enterprises LLC proudly releases QL IS 30 2014 - THE DISTRIBUTION for public download. This distribution is the successor to QL Today 2013 The Final DVD which was sent out to subscribers in September 2013 with The Final Issue of the QL Today magazine. The new version holds everything which was on the DVD, but has been carefully updated and supplemented with new material - Urs has been able to add some real long lost gems and an exclusive new release of a formerly commercial package, QDT the ultimate QL desktop - created or preserved during the last few months. Altogether there are 4.7 GB of QL related documents, software and pictures on this distribution. Preconfigured QL emulators for use under Windows, Mac OS and even Linux make it easy to bring the QL (back) to your desk. QL/E - THE QL ENVIRONMENT offers a modern, compact and ready to run QL environment. Great ways to (re-) start programming for the QL or using QL programs. QL IS 30 2014 - THE DISTRIBUTION is free which means it can be downloaded, used and given to friends by anyone at no cost. QL forever!

    By default THE DISTRIBUTION is delivered as a ZIP file called THE_DISTRIBUTION.ZIP (ZIP file of most recent version is approx. 2.89 GB) rather than a DVD (image). It is highly recommended to store the content of the ZIP file on your computer(s) or even on your file server(s). Just unzip THE_DISTRIBUTION.ZIP at your preferred storage location and up you go.

    Current version: 3.06 (Codename "LLAP", RELOADED edition!), last updated 22.02.2021, ZIP file size 2.89 GB

    Last updated in 2019 and 2021, the most relevant changes of the RELOADED edition are (details see Introduction (PDF) or history (TXT):
  • Updated \qle\ folder to be 100% equal to official v3.20 release of QL/E - THE QL ENVIRONMENT!.
  • Updated \emu\ folder with most recent versions of QPC2, QemuLator, SMSQmulator and SMSQ/E.
  • Removed \djw\ and \srv\ folders. The great Dilwyn Jones QL Repository and the QL Service Manual are available as online web-pages.

    Physical disk drive image:
  • SDHC_4GB_QL_THE_DISTRIBUTION.img 3'974'103'040 01.05.2023 10:59 (4 GB image file of a SDHC card, to be written to a SDHC card)

  • Complete Distribution, RELOADED edition v3.06, for PC and to manually equip your QL systems, 2.89 GB
  • Tailored Distribution (boots into QL/E v3.22), SD card edition v3.07, core is the above mentioned physical disk drive image. The fast track for QL-SD, MIST & Q68!, 485 MB

    The previous version 3.05 (Updated 2019) stays available for the use on the Raspberry Pi.

    The older version 3.04 (Updated 2016-04-23) - the last full issue of the original QL IS 30 2014 edition - stays available for collectors but is no longer be supported.

    And there's a cumulative incremental delta update package of version 3.04 stored in a file called THE_DISTRIBUTION-Update.ZIP (248 MB ZIP file) for those who have already downloaded (and installed) v3.01 (GA, 11.04.2015), v3.01A (29.04.2015), v3.02 (09.05.2015) or v3.03 (02.11.2015). Just unzip this ZIP file at your storage location of the unzipped distribution and confirm to overwrite existing files.

    Important notes
    Even v3.04 and previous versions are outdated and no longer supported, those are still useful for most "things" because most content of THE DISTRIBUTION is pretty static, only QL/E - THE QL ENVIRONMENT! sees frequent updates.

    THE DISTRIBUTION can very easily be equipped with the latest version of QL/E; keep in mind that the version of QL/E supplied with THE DISTRIBUTION v3.04 is slightly outdated (v3.13). Even the latest (2021) version 3.06 of THE DISTRIBUTION comes with the outdated version 3.20 (2020 edition) of QL/E. Hence it is advisable to download the latest version of QL/E - THE QL ENVIRONMENT! (release 2023-12-29, version 3.23) separately. Integration of latest QL/E into THE DISTRIBUTION is very easy. Just replace the folder qle in the THE_DISTRIBUTION folder with the folder qle of the stand-alone QL/E distribution and you're done!

  • QL_is_30_2014_The_Distribution.pdf, 1 MB
    Introduction, 1 MB

    QL_is_30_2014_The_Distribution-history.txt, 15 KB
    History, 15 KB

    README_RP.txt, 1 KB
    Introduction for Raspberry Pis, 1 KB

    README_SD.txt, 2 KB
    Introduction for QL-SD, MIST & Q68, 2 KB

    File list of SDHC card content for QL-SD, MIST & Q68, 5 KB
    YouTube VIDEO, 33 minutes
    Presentation in English, 33 min., YouTube

    YouTube VIDEO, 18 minutes (German)
    Presentation in German, 18 min., YouTube

    QL IS 30 2014 - THE DISTRIBUTION Version 3.00 (DVD edition)
    Photo of physical DVD, 461 KB

    QL IS 30 2014 - THE DISTRIBUTION Version 3.04 (HTML menu)
    HTML menu of version 3.04, 200 KB

    Complete Distribution, RELOADED edition v3.06, 2.89 GB

    Image of Raspbian Buster with complete Distribution, RELOADED edition v3.05 (2019), for Raspberry Pi, 8.48 GB

    Image of SDHC card with Distribution, RELOADED edition v3.07, for QL-SD, MIST & Q68, 485 MB

    Complete Distribution, Edition 1604 v3.04, 3.25 GB (outdated)

    Update package (brings old Distributions to v3.04), 248 MB
    Screenshot of QL/E v3.19 (Edition 1904, Codename
    Distribution CEL For those who just need a modern and compact ready to run QL environment (applications, demos, desktops, games, tools, utilities), go ahead, download and run QL/E.

    QL/E comes loaded and pre-configured with a good selection of QL programs including a nicely setup desktop built using QTop, QPAC, Cueshell, Qascade, ProWesS, QDT and Launchpad.

    QL/E includes the latest versions of the virtual QL machines (aka emulators) QPC2 (Windows) and SMSQmulator (Java) with the latest version of the operating system SMSQ/E (the well maintained successor of QDOS and Minerva) plus uQLx (Linux for Intel and ARM including the Raspberry Pi) and sQLux, both running QDOS and Minerva (latest version 1.98a1 included) as operating system.

    QL/E also supports other SMSQ/E platforms such the MC68040 powered QXL PC ISA card (DOS), QPC1 (DOS) and Q68 (FPGA) plus QDOS/Minerva platforms such as the original Sinclair QL with QL-SD or with TDI, the MIST FPGA based multi platform computer, Q-emuLator (Windows, Mac OS), uQLx (Linux for Intel and ARM including the Raspberry Pi) and sQLux.

    The following topics are covered by this vast software distribution:
  • System management (various pointer controlled desktop systems and user front ends simplify operation of the QL’s multi-tasking and multi-windowing environment without the need to use the command line interpreter)
  • Office work (Word processing, spread sheet, business graphics, data base)
  • Graphic editing and desktop publishing
  • File and folder management including backup, compression (ZIP, ARJ, LHA, ZOO and others) and search (find)
  • System benchmark, e.g. The "New" PCW Benchmarks of the Personal Computer World magazine ("New" back then in October 1986)
  • Animated graphics (both user controlled and pure demos)
  • Clocks (a wide range from pure text, to animated 7-segment display, to watches with fingers)
  • Picture viewing (graphic files, photographs)
  • Web browsing (text-only)
  • Machine-to-machine communication (Modem, Fax, FTP, Socket)
  • Programming, languages like 68K Assembly, BASIC, C or REXX (Editors, compilers, assemblers, linkers)
  • Debugging and monitoring of both programming and system
  • System- and S*BASIC extensions (aka Toolkits)
  • Help information to SBASIC commands
  • CLI scripts which simplify system operation and SBASIC programming
  • Games, ranges from the 1984 world champion Chess program by Richard Lang to the 2014 viral sliding block puzzle game 2048
  • Interpreter for the famous Magnetic Scrolls Adventures: The Pawn (1985), The Guild of Thieves (1987), Jinxter (1987), Corruption (1988), Fish! (1988), Myth (1989), Wonderland (1990)
  • Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulation, ready to go with a selection of Spectrum programs
  • A collection of 192 graphic files in QL resolution (32KB Bitmap, 512/256x256 pixels, 4/8 colours) and some graphic files in GIF format
  • A few photos in JPEG format
  • Audio and video player
  • Building (Make) of the operating system SMSQ/E
  • Many more utilities...

    Version information:
  • QL/E version: 3.23 (Edition 2023, Codename "Midnight Sun", last updated 29.12.2023)
  • QPC2 version: 5.02 (v5.0.2.38, 24.11.2021)
  • SMSQmulator version: 2.33 (30.12.2021)
  • uQLx 2018 version: 0.50 (28.10.2018)
  • sQLux version: 1.06 (26.11.2022)
  • SMSQ/E version: 3.38 (last updated 31.10.2021), taken from smsqe338_binaries.zip

    Virtual disk drive containers:
  • File system (Device name WIN1, 2906 files, see file list): QLE.WIN 83'886'080 29.12.2023 17:02 (QLWA)
  • File system for use on with QL-SD/MIST and the outdated 2013 SD Card Driver v0.07.078 (Device name SDC1, still v3.15, 2226 files, no QDT, D-Miner and IPNet, see file list): QL_BDI.bin 84'148'224 04.11.2016 14:09 (QLW1)
  • OS Source (Device name WIN8): SMSQE338.WIN 26'214'400 31.10.2021 07:27 (QLWA), taken from smsqe338src.win.zip

    Physical disk drive image:
  • CF_1GB_QL_TDI_QubATA_LQ1W_p1_6_80_p2_6_32-D-QLE322.img 1'024'966'656 28.04.2023 17:19 (QLW1, 1 GB image file of a CF card, to be written to a CF card for usage with QubATA compatible systems such as the TDI)

  • QL/E stand-alone edition v3.23 (RTM) for PC and to manually equip your QL systems, 225 MB. In case you are using a system with JS ROM, it is advised to download and apply the hotfix 01 (replacements of boot program files, 36KB) to the stand-alone edition of QL/E v3.23.
  • QL/E stripped-down edition of v3.22 (with hotfix 3.22-01) for QubATA compatible systems such as the TDI, core is the above mentioned physical disk drive image. The fast track for TDI & QubIDE!, 70 MB

  • QLE_README.txt, 8 KB
    Introduction & What you get, 8 KB

    QLE_manual.txt, 33 KB
    Manual, 33 KB

    QLE_news.txt, 227 bytes
    News, 227 bytes

    QLE_history.txt, 9 KB
    History, 9 KB

    QLE_changelog.txt, 41 KB
    Changelog, 41 KB

    QLE_WIN_files_WIN1_QLWA.txt, 192 KB
    File list of QL/E's WIN1 disk, 192 KB

    QLE_Filelist_QL_BDI_bin.txt, 95 KB
    File list of QL_BDI.bin (QL/E v3.15), 95 KB

    QLE_README_QU.txt, 1 KB
    Introduction for QubATA systems, 1 KB
    Screenshot of QL/E v3.10 running under QPC2 v4.02
    Screenshot of v3.10, 436 KB

    Screenshot of QL/E v3.11 (Codename Crow) running under QPC2 v4.02
    Screenshot of v3.11, 757 KB

    Screenshot of QL/E v3.13 (Codename Freeze) running under QPC2 v4.02
    Screenshot of v3.13, 456 KB

    Screenshot of QL/E v3.13 (Codename Freeze) running under SMSQmulator v2.18
    Screenshot of v3.13, 647 KB

    Screenshot of QL/E v3.15 (Codename Grey heron) running under SMSQmulator v2.20
    Screenshot of v3.15, 668 KB

    Screenshot of QL/E v3.16 (Codename Snow white swan) running under SMSQmulator v2.23
    Screenshot of v3.16, 606 KB

    Screenshot of QL/E v3.17 (Edition 1710, Codename Liberated) running under QPC2 v4.05
    Screenshot of v3.17, 531 KB

    Screenshot of QL/E v3.19 (Edition 1904, Codename
    Screenshot of v3.19, 349 KB

    Screenshot of QL/E v3.20 (Edition 2020, Codename
    Screenshot of v3.20, 462 KB

    Screenshot of QL/E v3.21 (Edition 2021, Codename
    Screenshot of v3.21 running THE REAL MATRIX, 656 KB

    Screenshots of QL/E in various use cases on various platforms
    Screenshots of QL/E in various use cases on various platforms, hosted on the QL Picture Gallery (SQPG) on OneDrive

    YouTube VIDEO, 7 minutes
    Running QL/E v3.13 on a fast i5-4430 Gamer PC under Windows 7 (QTop-Index scores 1202.968), 7 min., YouTube

    YouTube VIDEO, 30 seconds
    QL/E (started with uQLx 2017 under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) had its 30 seconds of fame at this year’s EuroShop in Düsseldorf, the World’s No. 1 Retail Trade Fair., 30 sec., YouTube

    YouTube VIDEO, 6 minutes 46 seconds
    QL/E v3.19 on various platforms, 6 minutes 46 seconds, YouTube

    Stand-alone edition 2023 v3.23, 225 MB

    QLE_v323_hf01_DISP_TYPE.ZIP, 36 KB
    Hotfix 01 (replacements of boot program files) for QLs with JS ROM, 36 KB

    Stripped-down edition v3.22 for QubATA compatible systems such as the TDI, 70 MB

    Bad_Apple_240p_5fps.zip, 14 MB
    Bad Apple video for QMovie player, 14 MB

    Bad_Apple_180p_3fps_m16.zip, 9 MB
    Bad Apple (180p, 3fps, m16) video for QMovie player, 9 MB

    Visit other comprehensive QL web resources like Dilwyn Jones's QL information and PD software webpages (fka as http://www.dilwyn.me.uk website) or the huge QL Picture Gallery (SQPG).

    QL forever!

    Urs König

    (replace -at- with @)

    Site produced (p) and copyright (c): 2013-2024, Urs König

    Created: January 10th 2014 | Published: January 12th 2014 | Last Updated: June 11th 2024

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